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The Diocese of Llandaff is throwing its weight behind this year's Pride Cymru, writing a Prayer for Pride. But what is the right way to show love to LGBT+ people? Communications Manager Paul Huxley comments.
August 23rd, 2019 | Sexual Orientation
In all the debate about whether or not changing gender should be made easier, the question of how to treat transgender prisoners has emerged as one of the most important ones. Carys Moseley looks at this public safety issue that refuses to go away.
August 21st, 2019 | Islam
Tim Dieppe comments on the recent disqualification of a student’s GCSE Religious Studies exam paper simply for criticising halal meat.
August 16th, 2019 | Freedom, Freedom of Speech
A Norwich bus driver has been suspended and is now facing investigation after refusing to drive a vehicle branded with the Pride rainbow colours.
August 12th, 2019 | Church and State
Christian Concern Communications Manager, Paul Huxley, comments on Norwich Cathedral’s recent decision to install a helter skelter ride in its nave.
August 9th, 2019 | Church and State
The author of Edmund Burke’s Battle with Liberalism has just released his newest engaging book, The Moral Case for Conservatism, published by Wilberforce Publications.
August 9th, 2019 | Church and State
In an article for the Spectator this week, Greg Sheridan (foreign editor of The Australian) has argued that “the West cannot survive without a re-energised belief in Christianity”. Christian Concern’s Communications Manager, Paul Huxley, looks at Sheridan’s argument.
August 8th, 2019 | Church and State, Social
A husband and wife in Tennessee saw their lives transform as they fought addictions to meth and other drugs with the help of a Christian program at their church.
August 7th, 2019 | Education
Atheistic campaign group Humanists UK is supporting a legal challenge over Christian assemblies at Burford Primary School, Oxfordshire.
The Advocate General in the Grand Chamber case of 'One of Us' has finally issued his opinion suggesting that the European Commission can reject pro-life legislative proposals based solely on political ideology.
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