Thank you so much for donating to Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre – we greatly value your support. We are determined to equip and empower all Christians to make their voices heard on matters relating to our legal and political systems, and to continue to defend freedoms and declare the gospel in the public sphere. You can find out more about how we use your personal information here.

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Post a Cheque
You can send a cheque payable to 'Christian Concern' to:Christian Concern, 70 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AX
By telephone
Please call 020 3327 1120 during office hours to make a donation over the phone.Other ways to give regularly
Standing Order Mandate
If you would like to make a regular contribution, please download and complete the standing order form below.
Direct/regular Transfer
For a direct/regular transfers our bank details are:Account name: CCFON Limited
Account number: 93234878
Sort code: 20-49-76
Please use your postcode as a reference.
Charitable Giving
Faith, Truth & Hope
Under current law both Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre are not for profit companies – neither are eligible for charitable status, due to some of their campaigning work, and are therefore unable to claim gift aid or charity vouchers as charities do.
However there is a charity named 'Faith, Truth and Hope' (registered charity number 1121897) which operates alongside Christian Concern.
If your gift is restricted exclusively to the charitable aspects of the work of Christian Concern, please consider giving directly to Faith, Truth and Hope. Please e-mail your intention to gift aid to
Cheques and charity vouchers can be sent to:
'Faith, Truth and Hope'
70 Wimpole Street
Or you can make a direct transfer to:
Account name: Faith Truth and Hope
Account number: 20979015
Sort code: 20-17-19
Please include your postcode in the reference.
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