Some residents in a picturesque market town famous for its summer royal regatta are disappointed after a lap-dancing club opened there.
In the News
January 25th, 2009
January 25th, 2009
The Vatican has condemned President Obama's move to restore US funding for family planning clinics abroad that give advice on or carry out abortions.
January 25th, 2009
After birth, the umbilical cord and placenta are usually discarded as waste. But, the umbilical cord holds something extremely precious?stem cells.
January 25th, 2009
Marriage is a constraint, it is a restriction on freedom, a corset or corral in which passions which would otherwise run free are subject to disciplines, and personal satisfaction is subordinated to social expectations.
January 24th, 2009
The number of abortions performed on teenage girls who have had at least one before has risen by almost 70 per cent since 1991, fuelling fears that terminations are being carried out for lifestyle reasons.
January 24th, 2009
US President Barack Obama has lifted a ban on funding for groups that provide abortion services or counselling abroad.
January 24th, 2009
Schoolgirls are turning to their teachers for advice on abortion, according to research.
January 24th, 2009
Alcohol is being blamed for a rise in unplanned teenage pregnancies as the Government launches a new drive to tackle underage drinking.
January 24th, 2009
The BBC is being accused of trying to influence a Commons debate by broadcasting a film which is sympathetic towards euthanasia on Sunday night.
January 23rd, 2009
A leading Redbridge vicar has launched a scathing attack on Channel Four after they broadcast two "outrageously offensive" TV shows about Christianity.