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In the News

  • David Cameron issued a note of caution yesterday to critics of embryo research and predicted that Gordon Brown would be forced to offer a free vote to Labour backbenchers on government plans.

  • The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill is stoking up indefensible views

  • Lord Winston accuses Scotland's Roman Catholic leader of deliberately misleading the public

  • If your mum or baby was dying in agony and there was a chance science could save them, you wouldn?t want sermons on morality.

  • Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor (We are made for more, March 24) writes movingly about love and truth, what it is to be human, and the purpose of existence; but he is wrong to exclude atheists from the beauty of his vision. We too can see deep responsibility for others as part of our freedom, just as we can see existence as having a great and wonderful purpose.

  • Leading stem cell scientists last night accused the Catholic church of deliberately targeting parts of embryology legislation that are amenable to "scary language". Their comments come after an Easter break when the human fertilisation and embryology bill was condemned in Catholic sermons across the country.

  • Gordon Brown faces the embarrassing prospect of relying on the Conservatives to get the flagship embryo research Bill passed and to pacify Catholic Labour MPs.

  • Sir - As members of the joint committee that considered the Human Fertilisation and Embryo Bill when it was in draft form, Lord Winston and I have discussed the issue of human embryo screening ("Labour in clash with Church on embryo reforms", report, March 24).

  • Gordon Brown says Labour MPs will have a free vote on three controversial parts of his embryo research proposals.

  • The passions raised by the Government's decision to impose a three-line whip on Labour MPs to require them to vote for the Embryology Bill should encourage us all to think very carefully about the meaning of our democracy, of which we so often boast.