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Outrage at Christian surgery for not dispensing morning-after pill

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A Christian-run NHS surgery has been criticised for posting a notice saying that some of its doctors do not prescribe the morning-after pill for conscience reasons.

The sign – displayed at the Links Medical Centre in South London – says that “if a consenting doctor is not available” patients should contact a local clinic or chemist if they want to obtain the morning-after pill.


The clinic has been criticised for displaying the notice, with one patient reportedly leaving the Practice in outrage, saying: “I know the law allows doctors to do this but I don’t think it should.” 

Audrey Simpson, chief executive of the Family Planning Association also joined in criticism of the Practice.


Some doctors have serious reservations about handing out the drug because of remaining questions over its effects. Dr Peter Saunders, CEO of Chrsitian Medical Fellowship, explains:


"Some doctors object to prescribing a drug which might in some circumstances act by preventing an early embryo from implanting in the womb as they see this as an early form of abortion.
"Although there is not firm proof that levonelle [the name of the drug in the UK] acts in this way there is at the very least a degree of uncertainty and no absolute proof that it does not".

Dr Saunders notes that both the law and recent guidelines published by the General Medical Council (GMC) allow doctors to refuse to provide the morning-after pill on conscience grounds.

The guidance on ‘Personal Beliefs and Medical Practice’ states:

“You may choose to opt out of providing a particular procedure because of your personal beliefs and values, as long as this does not result in direct or indirect discrimination against, or harassment of, individual patients or groups of patients".

Over the counter

Women are able to access the morning after pill in the UK over the counter without prescription, as well as with prescription from sexual health clinics and NHS walk in centres.

But Dr Saunders said that doctors should not be forced to provide the drug simply because it is legally accessible. 

“Regardless of the reasons for a given doctor’s objection to prescribing ‘emergency contraception’, the fact that a patient can legally access it does not mean that every doctor thereby has a legal or ethical duty to supply it".


He added: “Doctors should not be forced to provide treatments or interventions that they believe are unethical, ineffective or inappropriate. To force them to do so would be to undermine their professional integrity. They are not simply rubber stamps.

“Instead reasonable accommodation should be made. And thankfully both the law and the GMC guidance currently allow for that".



Peter Saunders Blog