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Thousands gather in Paris again for pro-marriage rally

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Marriage supporters continued their fight against the French government’s same sex ‘marriage’ legislation, as thousands united for a rally in Paris on Saturday (25 May).

It is estimated that between 150,000 and 1 million people attended the rally to express their opposition to the “Marriage for All” act, which also permits same-sex couples to adopt children.


The rally was largely peaceful with many engaging in prayer and singing, though clashes between police and far-right groups caused disruption as the day drew to a close.

Demonstrators emphasised the right of children to be raised by a mother and a father, whilst a 30-foot banner was held reading “No change to civilisation”.   

Legislation permitting same-sex ‘marriages’ and homosexual adoption was signed into law by Francois Hollande last week amid strong opposition from members of the public, religious leaders and social groups.

By force

UMP member of Parliament, Jacques Myard, who was present at the rally said that the French government had passed the legislation “by force” and that there was a “huge gap between this government and the citizens” over the issue.

He added:“This is something we cannot accept because of the fate of the children.”

Playing God

“Those people are playing God, because they want to marry, but it won't stop at this stage. Then they will adopt, and then we will have children in families where there is no father or no mother.”

Around 1.4 million attended a pro-marriage rally in March, whilst hundreds attended a coinciding Anglo-French rally in support of traditional marriage in Trafalgar Square.   

The country’s first same-sex ‘marriage’ between two men is due to take place as early as Wednesday (29 May).




New York Times

Related stories:

Mass rally in France against same-sex ‘marriage’

French MPs approve same-sex ‘marriage’ Bill

Anglo-French rally held in support of traditional marriage held at Trafalgar Square