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Senior Conservative refuses to receive hand-delivered letter from grassroots on same-sex ‘marriage’

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Conservative Party Co-Chairman, Lord Feldman, has rejected an attempt by the Conservative Grassroots group to present him with a letter discussing their concerns about the Government’s same-sex ‘marriage’ bill.

The group had hoped to hand deliver the letter to Lord Feldman just before the House of Lords began debating the bill. But upon arriving at CCHQ in Westminster, he reportedly refused to break away from a meeting and receive the group. 
General without an army
The letter urges the Government to abandon its same sex marriage plans in order to show that leadership of the Conservative Party is still in touch with the membership.
The group warns that if the Prime Minister continues with the plan, many Conservatives will leave the party so that he risks becoming “a general without an army.”
Ideally placed
Concerning same sex marriage, the letter says: “As our experience on the doorstep and the polling evidence shows us, it is driving away traditional supporters and failing to bring in new ones.
“As Party co-chairman, a member of the House of Lords and a personal adviser to the Prime Minister, you are ideally placed to ensure a change of direction with respect to this Bill before it is too late.
“We have all read the Prime Minister’s email to Party members but what we now need to see is concrete demonstration that he is listening to, respecting and prepared to work with the grassroots toward a common goal. If not, then he risks becoming a general without an army.”


The Telegraph