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12/12/12 – Praying for our nation

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At 12pm on Wednesday the 12th of December 2012, Christians gathered together across the country to pray for the future of our nation.

12/12/12 was an opportunity to pray for the many challenges we currently face and give thanks to the Lord for the continuation of his growing kingdom.

We encouraged Christians across the country, as the clock struck 12, to meet and pray for 12 minutes.

In London, a group of us from Christian Concern took part in 12/12/12 at a gathering at the Methodist Central Hall in Westminster. It was hosted by ‘Together for our nation’, a group who meet regularly for prayer and worship.

With the location being just across the road from the Houses of Parliament, it helped get to the heart of what 12/12/12 was all about; praying the Lord would continue his work in a lost nation in need of a Saviour.

The start of the event coincided with Prime Minister’s Questions which helped set the scene of how we need to be continuing to pray for our government and the leadership of our country.

Let’s continue to pray for our nation and hold out the hope of Christ in this generation in the midst of many challenges.

We produced a prayer resource sheet for 12/12/12. The prayer points are still relevant if you would like to pray for our nation. You can get it here >