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Abortion amendment blocked by Sinn Fein

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An amendment that would have made it illegal for abortions to take place outside the NHS in Northern Ireland has been blocked by Sinn Fein, despite being strongly supported by the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). 

Marie Stopes 

The amendment was brought forward by DUP's Paul Givan and the SDLP's Alban Maginness in response to the opening of a private Marie Stopes International (MSI) clinic in Belfast last autumn.

Mr Givan, who chairs the assembly's justice committee, expressed concerns that MSI was being permitted to perform abortions in Northern Ireland without sufficient oversight, accountability and regulation.

He argued that the NHS is best placed to carry out terminations since it was subject to the “highest level of scrutiny”.

Petition of concern

A petition of concern, supported by two MLA’s from the Alliance and the Green Party, was submitted by Sinn Fein to block the amendment before it was debated in Stormont on Tuesday (12 March).

During the debate, the proposal was backed by 53 MLA’s, including 44 unionists and 9 nationalists, whilst only 40 politicians voted against the move.

Despite being supported by a clear majority, the petition of concern meant that the amendment did not receive the cross-community support necessary to pass.


Mr Givan said that he “regretted” Sin Fein’s move and the way in which the outcome had been “shamefully pre-determined” ahead of the vote.

He commented that there was nevertheless significant support for the amendment, stating: "Across the island of Ireland, we have a common bond in seeking to provide the best care for our mothers and unborn babies.

"The NHS is where vulnerable women and their unborn babies should be treated, not a private clinic making financial gain. It ensures that in terrible life-threatening circumstances the best care is provided - free."

Widespread support

MLA Patsy McGlone, who backed the move, stated that the proposal "reflects the widespread support for the strict regulation of abortion both here in the north and indeed across the island of Ireland".

He added: “The pro-abortion lobby are keen to push the boundaries of the law on this issue.”

Pro-life group Precious Life presented 250,000 '”petitions of concern for unborn babies” to the assembly on Tuesday.




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Abortions could be made illegal outside the NHS in Northern Ireland

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