Abortion survey August 07
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We sent out 300 emails, one only to each of the main centres of population as extracted from my AA road atlas of Great Britain.
We got 32 replies.
To the question - 1 Are there any pro-life groups active in the your area that you know of? - 12 responders knew of pro-life groups in their areas.
To the question - 2 Are there any churches that have pro-life reputations? - 3 said Yes, 29 said No but 6 hoped there were.
These same figures applied to question 3 - Are there any Christian ministers with pro-life reputations?
To question 4 - How is the subject of abortion dealt with from your pulpit? - None had preached a full sermon on the subject but most would want to feel they took the sanctity of life issues seriously.
To question 5 - Will your church and/or any other churches in your area be marking the 40th anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act on the 27 October this year in any special way? - None knew of any meeting
being organised in their areas. 12 said now their attention had been drawn to it they would probably say special prayers and put it in the news letter etc.
Once again may I thank you for helping me to get an appreciation of the state of the church in the nation regarding this most important of issues. If you want to keep in touch with where we go from here please keep an eye on our web site - www.withonevoice.org.uk We will be looking for Christian ministers to step up to the mark and be counted in.
I would appreciate it if a copy of these survey results could be printed off and given to all in senior leadership in your church.
With Kind regards in Jesus name
God bless
Geoff Goodwin
Pastor Bethesda Chapel Royton Oldham
0161 652 6697