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Andrea Williams attends historic debate to stop EU funding the destruction of human embryos

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Supporters of Christian Concern and CORE (Comment on Reproductive Ethics) have been instrumental in helping the “One of Us” petition gather two million supporters across Europe and this week force an historic debate at the EU Parliament.

The petition calls for a new law to stop EU funding of research which results in the destruction of human embryos.

Despite critics among MEPs who described the “One oF Us” campaign as a “bunch of religious extremists”, its leaders were able to demonstrate pan-European support for their cause and force a change to the agenda for the debate which originally offered only minimal time to “One of Us” speakers.

Some 400 people packed the debating room and the representative of the “One of Us” Citizens Committee, Gregor Puppinck, threatened to call off the debate declaring it a sham designed to limit freedom of expression.

“This was a truly historic event and it shows how important it is to take a stand and demonstrate the mass support that exists across Europe for the introduction of ethical legislation to stop European funding for experimentation on and destruction of human embryos,” says Andrea Williams of Christian Concern who attended the debate in Brussels.

“Along with Josephine Quintavalle of CORE, I’d like to thank all of our supporters for adding their strength to this petition which is vital to the present and future generations of the people of Europe.” 

George Puppinck opened the debate by stating the clear and precise aim of “One of us”: “We ask for the inclusion of an ethics clause in the financial regulation of the EU that excludes explicitly any destruction of human embryos.”

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