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Baby survives at 23 weeks

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A baby has survived child birth after being born at only 23 week old.

Amelia Hope Burdon was born in June to Miss Amanda Stapleford, whilst her brother Arthur was born just 10 days later. She initially showed no signs of life when born but doctors were able to revive her. At birth, Amelia Hope weighed 1lb 2oz and Arthur weighed 1lb 4oz.

The twin babies are being described as medical miracles and their survival bolsters support for a lower abortion limit. Prime Minister David Cameron voted for a cut earlier this year and has said that an upper limit of 20 or 22 weeks would be “sensible”. Under current legislation, the abortion limit is 24 weeks and there is no legal obligation on doctors to try and save a baby born before 24 weeks, unless it is in the baby's best interest.

Miss Stapleford commented, "Doctors said [Amelia Hope] had just a 10 per cent chance of survival. And we never thought she'd pull through ... seeing [her] whisked away by medical staff was incredibly traumatic. After all, she was born before the abortion limit and appeared to be dead. But thank goodness, despite this, doctors decided to revive her."

Amelia Hope's twin brother, Arthur, was born by caesarean section and the twins are being looked after together in side-by-side incubators. Both babies are doing well and gradually putting more weight on. The twins have set the new record for surviving premature twins.

Andrea Minichiello Williams commented: "We congratulate Miss Stapleford on the birth of her twin babies. Amelia Hope should remind us of the precious lives that need to be protected in the womb, regardless of the abortion time limit."


Daily Telegraph

Daily Mail

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