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Better to be a criminal in China than a pregnant mother

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In an anonymous message to the Population Research Institute, a “grieving mother” exposes the abuse of women in China who fall pregnant outside the State’s one-child plan,

She writes that  “even criminals, burglars, rapists, and the like” are allowed to apply for jobs after they have been released from prison, whereas the parent of an “illegal” child without a “Family Planning Certificate” is not permitted to apply.

The mother also says women who fall pregnant without a Family Planning Certificate are abused in ways that criminals are not.

“Those who violate the one-child policy are stripped of their dignity as human beings and enjoy no rights," she said. "They can be illegally detained for an indefinite period of time by the Family Planning Bureau. They can be forcibly aborted or forcibly sterilized, which is a form of corporal punishment in disguise. And, if they try to take legal action, they will find out that no people’s court at any level will touch cases involving family planning issues.”

The President of the Population Research Institute, Steven Mosher, was amazed that the Chinese Ministry of State Security had not stopped the woman’s email reaching his inbox.

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