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Challenge to television abortion ad

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Misleading abortion adverts by Marie Stopes may be challenged by the Alive and Kicking Campaign after the ASA failed to uphold a large number of complaints from the public.

Following the broadcasting of the first ever commercial in Britain by Marie Stopes International for abortion, on 24 May 2010, and the subsequent Advertising Standards Authority adjudication which failed to uphold the many complaints that were received, the Christian Legal Centre, as a member of the Alive and Kicking Campaign, will be fully supporting any Judicial Review of the decision.

The abortion advertisements were misleading as they never mentioned that Marie Stopes International is primarily an abortion provider, nor that they charge £80 for an initial consultation. In addition, the advertisements clearly breach the BCAP Code which does not permit advertisements for medical treatments available only on prescription, or for commercial services offering individual advice for personal problems. The advert is also of a political nature and could influence public opinion on a matter of public controversy, breaching section 321 of the Communications Act 2003.

Andrea Minichiello Williams commented: “It is surprising that the ASA have upheld the validity of these abortion advertisements on our televisions. A line has been crossed when abortion providers can promote their services directly into people’s homes through television. The Christian Legal Centre will support any Judicial Review of the ASA’s decision. We want to thank everybody who wrote letters to the ASA to complain about these advertisements and we will keep up the pressure.”