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Mother refuses to have abortion after seeing baby smile in 3D scan

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A mother who was told that her baby would be born severely disabled decided not to have an abortion after watching him smile in a 3D scan picture.

Katyia Rowe (26) was told that her son, Lucian, would never be able to walk or talk as his brain had failed to develop properly and that he would require 24-hour care.  


Doctors advised Miss Rowe to consider terminating her pregnancy. But she refused after seeing her baby smile, kick, blow bubbles and wave his arms in a real time 3D scan.

Katyia, 26, a training administrator, said: “We were devastated to be told our son’s brain abnormalities were so severe they were life limiting we should consider a termination.

Quality of life

“Further scans were arranged to assess the extent of his disabilities but when I saw him smiling and playing inside me I knew I couldn’t end his life.

She added: “Despite all the awful things I was being told, while he was inside me his quality of life looked to be wonderful and no different to any other baby’s, he was a joy to watch. 

“I was told he would never walk or talk yet the scans showed him constantly wriggling and moving. 

“As I watched I knew that while I was carrying him he still had a quality of life and it was my duty as a mother to protect that no matter how long he had left, he deserved to live.

“It didn’t phase me at all. It was ironic because I had never considered myself particularly maternal but now I wanted nothing more than to care for my son and give him the best quality of life possible. I was more than happy to dedicate my life fully to his care.

“I researched all his disabilities to prepare myself fully for his needs. I never had a moment of doubt. I only had to look at the scan pictures of him enjoying life in the womb to know I was doing the right thing by giving him a chance”.

Worth it

Miss Rowe was given the option to terminate her pregnancy at 24 weeks after Lucian’s complications were revealed in a 20 week scan. 

She decided to go ahead with the birth even though doctors at Birmingham Children's Hospitalrecommended that she have an abortion.

Sadly, Lucian died just nine hours after being born.

Miss Rowe said: “Not knowing how long he would live meant we were determined to enjoy him for as long as we could.

“I would talk to him and play him music because I wanted him to experience as much as possible.

“The love and joy I felt the moment they put Lucian in my arms told me it had all been worth it. 

“I thought I didn’t want to be a mother but Lucian taught me it is the most wonderful job in the world and I will always be grateful for that”.


Andrea Williams of Christian Concern commented: “It’s so good to hear a mum talk positively about a baby with disabilities.

“Each child, whether disabled or not, is a precious life created in the image of God and worthy of the love and care of his or her parents.

“This story is a ray of light at a time when babies with disabilities are disregarded and only considered worthy of an abortion.

“My heart goes out to Katyia after her loss but I’m thankful for the joy that Lucian brought during his short life”.


Daily Mail