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Remains of aborted babies incinerated to heat hospitals

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The remains of thousands aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as 'clinical waste', with some even being used to heat hospitals, an investigation has revealed.

The Channel 4 Dispatches programme found that foetal remains were incinerated by 27 different NHS trusts over the last two years alone.  At least ten have admitted to burning foetuses alongside rubbish, while two others said they used the bodies in ‘waste-to-energy’ plants which generate power for heat.

The Department of Health has issued an instant ban on the practice, whilst Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS Medical Director, has written to all NHS trusts ordering the practice to be stopped immediately.

“While it is acknowledged that incineration is not illegal across the UK, existing professional guidance makes clear that the practice is inappropriate,” Mr Keogh said.

"I share the view that incineration of fetal remains is inappropriate practice and that other methods offer more dignity in these sensitive situations."

The documentary also found that parents who had lost their children in early pregnancy had not been consulted about what they wanted to happen to their child’s remains.

Health minister Dr Dan Poulter said: “While the vast majority of hospitals are acting in the appropriate way, that must be the case for all hospitals and the Human Tissue Authority has now been asked to ensure that it acts on this issue without delay.”

Prof Sir Mike Richards, Chief Inspector of Hospitals, said: “I am disappointed trusts may not be informing or consulting women and their families.

“This breaches our standard on respecting and involving people who use services and I’m keen for Dispatches to share their evidence with us.

“We scrutinise information of concern and can inspect unannounced, if required.”

NHS figures show there are around 4,000 stillbirths in the UK each year, amounting to 11 each day, with a total of one in seven pregnancies ending in a miscarriage.

