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Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali launches latest book

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Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali launched his new book yesterday at All Souls church, Langham Place, situated opposite the BBC’s New Broadcasting House in central London.

In Triple Jeopardy for the West: Aggressive Secularism, Radical Islamism and Multiculturalism, Bishop Michael argues that these three seemingly diverse pressures are a profound threat to British life.

He makes the case for Christianity as the foundation which can provide the equality, justice and freedom currently sought by our society.

The book launch was attended by a number of journalists and was followed by a question and answer session with Bishop Michael about the book.

Watch a report of the launch and an interview with Bishop Nazir-Ali >

He said: “There are a number of dangers that are facing the Western world.  We are seeing more and more examples of aggressive secularism not only in the press but actually in legislation where Christian conscience, for instance, is not being adequately recognised.

“I think what I’m after in the end is a renewal of the Judaeo-Christian tradition in the West. Not just in terms of people’s personal faith… but in terms of public policy and in how the West sees its destiny.”

Triple Jeopardy for the West is published by Bloomsbury and is available from all major book sellers.