BMA abortion vote displays 'shocking disrespect for human life'

The British Medical Association's vote in favour of decriminalising abortion displays a "shocking disrespect for human life", says Andrea Williams, CEO of Christian Concern.
Today's vote at the BMA's annual meeting means that the organisation will adopt a radical pro-abortion stance as its official policy and lobby the government to remove all legal restrictions on abortion.
Commenting after the vote, Andrea Williams said:
"This debate and vote had no public mandate. Recent polling shows that only 1% of women want to legalise abortion up to birth. 70% of women want the current limit of 24 weeks to be lowered and 91% desire an explicit ban on 'gender-abortion'.
"A tiny minority of activists have imposed their extreme abortion agenda on the BMA and as a result have severely damaged the institution's reputation.
"The mark of a civilised society is how it treats the most vulnerable. Rather than protecting preborn children in their mothers' wombs, the BMA has chosen to be complicit in their destruction. Those who are tasked with healing the sick have voted to kill the healthy. When our doctors display such a shocking disrespect for human life, we know we are a society in crisis."