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Booklet on implications of same-sex 'marriage' placed in schools

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The Coalition for Marriage has succeeded in placing its booklet informing teachers of the implications of introducing same-sex marriage in every school in Gloucestershire.

The 27-page guide contains sections headed “No promotion of sexual orientation” and “Teachers are free to express opinions, but not to promote political policies”.

Advice has also been given to schools in the guidance issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) which states:

•    No school, or individual teacher, is under a duty to support, promote or endorse marriage of same sex couples.
•    Teachers, other school staff, governors, parents and pupils are all free to hold whatever personal views they choose on marriage of same sex couples, including a view that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. The Government recognises that the belief that marriage can only be between a man and a woman is a belief worthy of respect in a democratic society.
•    Schools with a religious character can continue to deliver sex and relationship education in accordance with their particular religious doctrines or ethos.” 

Campaign Director of the Coalition for Marriage, Colin Hart said:  "We hope that this guidance will help protect children, teachers and parents who believe in traditional marriage. Our own guide also highlights why teachers should not be forced to endorse the redefinition of marriage in the classroom and emphasises that schools should deal with this controversial issue in a balanced and sensitive way.

"We do have concerns about some of the other guidance issued by the EHRC, especially regarding chaplains, but in relation to schools they seem to have tried to get the balance right."