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National Governors’ Association calls for Christian school assemblies to be scrapped

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The National Governors’ Association has called for religious assemblies to be scrapped across state schools in England.

The requirement for daily Christian worship in schools was introduced 70 years ago by the 1944 Education Act. But the Association, which represents school governors and trustees in England wants, claims that the practice should be stopped since "schools are not places of worship, but places of education."

Commenting on the proposals on Voice of Russia, Christian Concern’s Andrew Marsh said:  “I think it’s striking that at a time when there have been calls from politicians to have greater emphasis on British values and what unites us and the role of schools and education in that in light of challenges of the schools in Birmingham.

"It’s striking we have that on the one hand and then have calls to remove the act of common worship that helps young people understand what has given rise to British values and what undergirds them”.

Myth of so-called secular neutrality
“There is a myth around at the moment of so-called secular neutrality. It doesn’t exist. We all live in a value framework and need those values. A Christian framework gives the best structure for that and teaches children. The law allows for pupils to be absent form collective acts of worship if they or their parents wish.”

Listen to Andrew Marsh on Voice of Russia here>

Read more (Daily Mail) >