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Please raise your voice of concern re assisted suicide.

Printer-friendly version Please respond to the Director of Public Prosecution's Consultation on Assisted Suicide. Deadline is 16 December 2009.

Deadline 16 December 2009

Following the case brought by Debbie Purdy, the Law Lords instructed the Director of Public Prosecutions to draw up guidelines stating his policy on the situations in which he would or would not bring a prosecution against someone assisting in the suicide of another person in England and Wales, both within these countries and overseas.

If we consider life sacred and wish to see all life protected we must take this opportunity to raise the voice of concern. It would be good if we could create thousands of responses.

Please take this opportunity today by clicking on the link below (or at the bottom of this e-mail) and following the steps described.

CNK: Please respond to DPP Consultation

CCFON has submitted its own legal response on this (click here to view). For public campaigning we are using the excellent material supplied by Care Not Killing (CNK) and are directing people to the response they are organising.

The consultation closes on 16 December 2009. Please try to get your comments in comfortably before this date if you can.


The absence of a presumption in favour of prosecution may result in the weakening of the enforcement of this law for certain categories of people and is a concern to many. It has been shown in other countries that liberalisation comes at a heavy price. Vulnerable people come under increased pressure to end their lives, palliative care options are downgraded and a ‘slippery slope’ process begins.

Please make your voice heard on this issue – and be sure to submit before 16 December as submissions after this date will not be considered. Use the resources below to take action.

CNK: Please respond to DPP Consultation

CNK: Guide for Individuals to respond to DPP guidelines

CNK: Consultation Reponse

CCFON: Consultation Response

CCFON: Consultation Document

To respond by post

Print off and fill in the document at the following link:

Consultation Questionnaire

Send the questionnaire to:

Assisted Suicide Policy Team

Crown Prosecution Service Headquarters

6th floor

50 Ludgate Hill



To respond by e-mail

Download and fill in the document available at the following link:

Consultation Questionnaire (editable)


E-mail the questionnaire to: