Consultation on Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill

Christian Concern is asking its supporters to respond to the consultation on Margo Macdonald's proposed ‘Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill’, which would seek to legalise assisted suicide for those with 'terminal conditions' in Scotland.
On 23 January 2012, Margo MacDonald MSP lodged with the Scottish Parliament a draft proposal of the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill.
This comes just over a year after her last Bill for state-sponsored assisted suicide and euthanasia was comprehensively defeated in a free vote at the Scottish Parliament in December 2010, by a margin of 85 votes to 16.
Her new Bill covers assisted suicide only and not euthanasia, but many of the inherent problems of the previous Bill remain. Indeed, in some cases the safeguards have arguably been lessened. The Bill would put some of the most vulnerable people in our society at risk.
The new Bill is to be modelled on a system currently in place in the US state of Oregon. In Oregon, the annual number of assisted suicides has increased dramatically by over 450% since being legalised, where one in six of those dying are depressed, less than one in 20 receive psychiatric assessments and some patients have actually been denied medical care and offered assisted suicide as a cheaper alternative.
Call to respond
Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, said:
“It is vitally important that we reject these latest proposals and once again stand against the legalisation of assisted suicide. Any weakening of the law in Scotland will apply pressure for a change in the law in England and Wales.
“The deadline is 30 April 2012 so do please respond as soon as possible.”
Consultation document >
Care Not Killing’s submission (for guidance) >
Background info on the Bill and response instructions >
Please send your responses to:
Margo MacDonald MSP
Room MG.02
Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP
Tel: 0131 348 5714
Fax: 0131 348 6271