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Dramatic recovery from ‘locked in’ syndrome

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A woman from Yorkshire has spoken candidly of her miraculous recovery from ‘locked in’ syndrome.

The mother of three had a massive stroke in February 2010 after which she found herself with what is known as ‘locked in syndrome’. Writing in the Daily Mail, Kate Allatt detailed how she was completely paralysed and yet fully conscious after being taken into hospital.

Mrs Allatt told the Daily Mail of her grave fear after hearing doctors say that she showed no signs of brain activity. However, after praying that “doctors would carry out a test that would show I was awake,” Mrs Allett’s husband noticed the way she was reacting to different TV programmes. She says: “The joy of that moment was indescribable: I had a way out.”

Mrs Allatt was discharged from hospital eight months after the stroke, having progressed from blinking in response to questions to being able to speak again and walk on crutches. A year on, she began running again – one of her favourite pastimes.

Her story will be met with approval by those who oppose the legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide, which has been pushed for in recent months by organisations such as Dignity in Dying.

Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, said:

“I congratulate Mrs Allatt on her recovery and thank her for writing about her experience so that we can all be uplifted by her amazing courage and determination.

It’s so important that these kinds of stories are heard so that rash decisions are not made to change the law as a result of continuous pressure from the euthanasia and assisted suicide lobby.”


Daily Mail


Christian Concern: End of Life