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Faith leaders unite against Assisted Dying Bill

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The leaders of all the major faiths in Britain have issued a joint statement in opposition to Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill, criticising it as a “grave error” that would 'change British society forever.'

In a joint statement to Members of the House of Lords, senior representatives, drawn from a broad coalition of Christian churches and denominations, and from the Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, and Buddhist faiths, said:

“While we may have come to the position of opposing this bill from different religious perspectives, we are agreed that the Assisted Dying Bill invites the prospect of an erosion of carefully tuned values and practices that are essential for the future development of a society that respects and cares for all”.

Amongst the 24 faith leaders to voice their concerns about the Bill were the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth and the Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain.

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