New threat of Assisted Suicide as Bill comes to Parliament
Following last week's State Opening of Parliament, Lord Falconer introduced a Bill that would legalise Assisted Suicide. It is the latest in a number of attempts to change the law.
The Bill will be debated in the House of Lords at its Second Reading. This is currently expected to take place on Friday 18th July.
Last week, other members of the House of Lords spoke out against this dangerous Bill:
Baroness Hollins, a top psychiatrist who has been President of both the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the British Medical Association has written of her concerns in an article for the Telegraph here >
Baroness Grey-Thompson who has won 11 gold medals at the Paralympics, has joined with Baroness Campbell of Surbiton, who has a degenerative illness, and disability campaigners, to express her deep opposition to Lord Falconer's Bill. In a letter to the Telegraph (reported here), they write:
"Why is it that when people who are not disabled want to commit suicide, we try to talk them out of it, but when a disabled person wants to commit suicide, we focus on how we can make that possible?
“We believe that the campaign to legalise assisted suicide reinforces deep-seated beliefs that the lives of sick and disabled people are not worth as much as other people’s; that if you are disabled or terminally ill, it’s not worth being alive.
“Disabled people want help to live – not to die.”
Speaking up for those who are vulnerable in the face of this Bill
We will be providing resources to help you contact members of the House of Lords, urging them to oppose this Bill. But please start praying that this dangerous Bill will be defeated at the earliest opportunity.