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Faith-based adoption agencies could be permitted once again

Printer-friendly version Shirley Williams, a senior Liberal Democrat Peer, has tabled an amendment on the Equality Bill 2009-10 that will allow "Religious adoption and fostering agencies” to act according to their religious beliefs.

Shirley Williams, a senior Liberal Democrat Peer, has tabled an amendment on the Equality Bill 2009-10 that will allow "Religious adoption and fostering agencies” to act according to their religious beliefs.

In 2007, the Sexual Orientation Regulations made it unlawful for faith-based adoption agencies to refuse to place children with homosexual couples.

At the time, former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, stated: ‘There is no place in our society for discrimination. That’s why I support the right of gay couples to apply to adopt like any other couple. And that way there can be no exemptions for faith-based adoption agencies offering public-funded services from regulations that prevent discrimination.’

As a result, many adoption agencies have been forced to cut ties with the Church and others have had to close down. Clearly, the Regulations discriminated against religious organisations, by preventing them from acting according to their religious convictions.

The Sexual Orientation Regulations 2007 were passed through on a ‘take it or leave it basis’ meaning that although many spoke out against the effect they would have on adoption agencies, there was no opportunity for amendments.  However, the Equality Bill 2009-10 gives Parliament the opportunity to make changes to the law.

An amendment, tabled by Lord Mackay of Clashfern, which sought to provide conscientious exemptions for religious organisations, was not voted on, on 14th January 2010.  However, it is hoped that the narrower amendment tabled by Shirley Williams will be voted through.

The amendment is expected to be debated on Tuesday 23rd March and will once again allow faith-based adoption  and fostering agencies to act in line with their religious convictions.

The amendment comes after the High Court recently permitted Catholic Care, the Leeds-based adoption agency, to re-challenge the Charity Commission’s finding that Catholic Care could not take advantage of an exemption in the Sexual Orientation Regulations, which Catholic Care argued allowed them to continue to act with their charitable objects.

The High Court ruling provides a possible way for faith-based adoption agencies to begin acting again. However, the amendment tabled by Shirley Williams will certainly open the door for faith-based agencies.

Please pray that the amendment will be voted though on Tuesday 23rd March.

Pray that Peers would respect freedom of conscience, support the amendment and vote it through.