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Illinois announces same-sex 'marriage' plan

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Two Illinois law makers have announced their intention to bring forward a Bill introducing same-sex ‘marriage’ in the state as early as next month.

Rep. Greg Harris and Sen. Heather Steans, both Chicago Democrats, are expected to present the Bill when the General Assembly reconvenes in January next year.

If passed, same-sex ‘marriage’ would pass into law in July 2013 – just two years after laws permitting civil unions for homosexual couples were introduced.

“We're in striking distance of being able to get it done,” Stearns said.


But the proposals have been criticised, with Rev. Bob Vanden Bosch from Concerned Christian Americans commenting that the move will prove more difficult than proponents believe and that a vote in favour of the Bill would come as a surprise.

He said:“Marriage is not something government has instituted. Marriage is something that's instituted by God,” Vanden Bosch said. “People, rather than conforming their lives to the law of God, want to conform the law to their lives.”

The legislation will recognise homosexual marriage licenses from other states, and those in civil partnerships will have the option to apply for a marriage license free of charge for the first year.

US Supreme Court

In a separate development, the US Supreme Court has announced its intention to hear cases challenging laws that uphold marriage as only between one man and one woman.

The cases are likely to be heard in March next year, and could lead to a redefinition of marriage in all 50 states by the summer.

Related stories:

US Supreme Court to hear cases that could redefine marriage


ABC News