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Enforcement action threatened at Tablighi Jamaat mega-mosque site

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Islamic group Tablighi Jamaat (TJ), some of whose supporters in Walthamstow were convicted of planning airline terrorist atrocities last week (see note below), has been threatened with enforcement action by Newham Council over its continued unlawful use of the 'mega-mosque' site at West Ham, close to the London 2012 Olympic stadium.

TJ has erected a temporary structure on site and has been using it daily without planning permission since October 2006.

In response to yet another challenge at Question Time by Cllr Alan Craig, leader of the Opposition on Newham Council, the borough's Cabinet Member for Regeneration Cllr Conor McAuley indicated that TJ have now been given until January 2010 to come up with a masterplan for the site or face enforcement action. He also disclosed that the Council will not be offering temporary planning permission for the current buildings on site. (For full text of Statement, see below.)

"At last Newham Council is doing the right thing," said Cllr Craig who is leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance group on the Council. "The Town Hall has been giving TJ preferential treatment for too long by allowing them to use the site unlawfully for three years.

"The planned regeneration of the West Ham area is being blighted by TJ inaction on this large but derelict site in the heart of this part of the Lower Lea Valley." said Alan Craig. "The next step is for the authorities to consider compulsory purchase of the site so that it can be properly developed for the benefit of the wider community."

(See the previous CCFON report)