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Qur'an should be read at Coronation

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The former Bishop of Oxford has suggested that the Qur'an should be read at the Coronation service.

Speaking in a House of Lords' debate on religion and public life, Lord Harries referred to a service in Bristol Cathedral last year where the Qur'an was read and indicated that the Coronation should demonstrate similar 'hospitality'.

But Andrea Williams told the Daily Mail, "at a time when we are looking at what British values mean, we cannot have values in a vacuum. British values stem from our Christian heritage. We cannot pretend all religions are the same, or have the same benefits and outcomes for the nation."

Related Coverage:
Koran should be read at Prince Charles' coronation says top bishop (Mail)

Opinion Pieces:
Should the next coronation service in Westminster Abbey include readings from the Quran? (Spectator)
Why there should be no Koran reading at the Coronation (Telegraph)