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Sharia expert warns of threat from Islam following ‘Trojan Horse’ inquiry

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In the wake of the so-called Trojan Horse inquiry into Islamic extremism in schools in Birmingham, Sharia expert, Sam Solomon, co-founder of Christian Concern, says that the Ofsted investigation rings a “warning bell” about the strategic aim that drives Islam – the imposition of sharia throughout British society.

Sam Solomon lectures on Islamic affairs to international audiences and has advised politicians in America, Britain and Europe.  He converted to Christianity after reading the New Testament.

In a detailed analysis of the lessons to be learned from the alleged ‘plot’ to apply sharia in Birmingham schools, Sam warns that Britain must safeguard its value system against an on-going plan by Islamists to subjugate the British way of life to sharia.

He writes that “we cannot allow a dual-system to prevail – legal, political, economic – which discriminates and subjugates one to another” and urges UK authorities to gain a better understanding of the real intentions that lie behind “the socio-political ideology that is Islam”.

Read Sam Solomon's full piece here >

For books by Sam Solomon which will help understand Islam, visit our shop here >

Titles include "Al-Hijra: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration
Accepting freedom or imposing Islam?" (illustrated) and "A Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding".

Other books by Sam Solomon are available on Amazon here > 

Earlier this year, the Government launched a public consultation on its proposals to introduce a sharia-complaint finance scheme for Muslim students. You can read Christian Concern's response here >