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UKIP MEP promotes code for UK Muslims to reject violence

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Gerard Batten, the Immigration Spokesman for UKIP, has urged British Muslims to sign a code of conduct commissioned by his party, declaring that they reject violence as “inapplicable, invalid and non-Islamic”.

Muslim Charter

The code is contained in the Muslim Charter was written by the Islamic Affairs Adviser to the Christian Legal Centre, Sam Solomon, a former Muslim who converted to Christianity.

Mr. Batten says he can see no reason why “any reasonable, normal person” would object to signing the declaration.

The author of the charter, Sam Solomon, has welcomed Gerard Batten’s recommendation of the Muslim Charter as political parties step up campaigning for the next General Election in 2015.


He says the code of conduct for British Muslims raises a challenging question about the commitment of UK citizens to a free and democratic society as Britain approaches a new and critical parliamentary term.

“If Islam is a religion of peace, as portrayed bv the Muslim community and its clergy, and those acts of terrorism committed in its name are the acts of a few misguided individuals who have misunderstood and misinterpreted its teaching, then Islam is completely innocent of the violence and the terrorism that is sometimes attributed to it,” he said.


He argues that in the light of existing terrorist threats perpetrated by some in the name of Islam, authorised Islamic scholars and experts should call a general conference of the Ulema, the body of learned scholars of the faith, to discuss the provisions laid out in the charter.

He added: “They should have no objection to being signatories to it, and upholding its content both in letter and spirit in the name of Islam and for the welfare of their host societies and that of humanity at large.”

