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Local elections: Perhaps now Mr Cameron will listen...

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As the local election results continue to come in, Andrea Williams says that the people have spoken and the Prime Minister must now listen:

The local election results are showing massive losses for the Conservative party. This was by no means inevitable but David Cameron's insistence on pursuing the same sex 'marriage' agenda has undoubtedly contributed to this dramatic result.

His determination to dilute marriage has alienated not only Conservative supporters but voters at large. UKIP is notably the only party that supports marriage and their success in these elections is in large part due to that.

The Conservatives could have avoided such embarrassing losses if it were not for the Prime Minister's delusion that same sex 'marriage' is a good idea. Mr Cameron had been warned by Conservative party chairmen and other grassroots conservatives that his policy would cost the party votes. But he didn't listen and has now lost hundreds of local Conservative councillors up and down the country.

Sadly, many hard working local Conservative councillors who support marriage have lost their seats because of their leader's failure to listen. Perhaps now he will. It is time for the Prime Minister to break out of the Westminster bubble and heed the voice of those who elected him. Same sex 'marriage' has always been an elitist movement; popular among the chattering classes but bewildering to everyday British men and women.

We can only hope that these local election results give the Prime Minister the wake up call that he needs. Let us pray that he drops this deeply divisive and destructive policy and protects real marriage, not just to win votes but because it is the right thing to do in the sight of God and the right thing for our nation.
