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Call for EU Foreign Policy Chief Baroness Ashton to Resign for Failure to Condemn Attacks on Christians

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Press Release by the Christian Peoples Alliance

Christian Democrats in Britain are calling for the resignation of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Baroness Ashton, after European foreign ministers failed to agree on a statement condemning attacks on religious minorities in the Islamic world because it is not politically correct to use the word "Christian".

Speaking on Christian radio in Britain, Leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance, Alan Craig, said:

"The persecuted churches on the frontline of attacks by radical Islam need words of action, not empty rhetoric from the European Union. Baroness Ashton must know that the door-step execution-style shootings in Baghdad, the car bombs in Egypt and the machete attacks in Nigeria were carried out on specific Christian targets. A willingness to name the problem is the start of a commitment to address the problem. She should step down and let others take the lead."

This week Franco Frattini, the Italian foreign minister, backed by France had demanded an EU response on the persecution of Christians after a New Year suicide bombing at a Coptic church in northern Egypt in which dozens of people were killed and injured. The bombing in Egypt followed bomb attacks and shootings of Christians in Baghdad and fears, expressed by the Vatican, of persecution leading to a Christian exodus from the Middle East.

The Christian Peoples Alliance added that the failure of the EU Foreign Minister to lead a firm response would be seen as weakness by Islamists, especially as last month the European Parliament had called on the EU’s foreign ministers to find “instruments to provide security and protection for Christian communities under threat” at the meeting of ministers, which took place on January 31.

Alan Craig added:

"What is so damaging about the failure of the EU to act is that radical Islamists will see this as Christian Europe washing its hands of Christians in muslim lands. AL Qaeda and its operatives around the world will find comfort in this and will renew their onslaught of hatred and intolerance."

In an address in January to the European Parliament Baroness Ashton had said that any “discrimination or violence” because of religious beliefs violates EU values and should be “taken seriously and condemned with the same force”.

She had promised that the EU would not “turn a blind eye” to the plight of “long-established Christian communities in the Middle East,” and was “ready to enhance co-operation with governments to combat intolerance and protect human rights”.


For more information: Alan Craig 07939547198 or visit