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Commons support for protection of 'conscientious beliefs on marriage' amendment to Equality Act

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MPs have this week supported an amendment to the Equality Act to protect ‘conscientious beliefs on marriage’, voting 86 to 31 at the first reading of Edward Leigh’s Ten Minute Rule Bill.
The timing of the vote is highly significant as it comes a week before the second reading of the Government’s Same-Sex Marriage Bill.
The vote is a reminder that there remains widespread concern amongst MPs that the Government’s plans to redefine marriage do not make adequate protection for those who oppose the changes on conscience or religious grounds.
Speaking in the Commons, Mr Leigh, president of the socially conservative Cornerstone group of MPs, warned that the Government’s forthcoming Same-Sex Marriage Bill does not offer any protection for those with traditional views on marriage.

Mr Leigh also referenced a number of recent cases where individuals have been disciplined in the workplace for their beliefs on marriage.
Adrian Smith, a housing trust manager in Manchester, was demoted for saying on his facebook page that same-sex weddings in churches were an “an equality too far.”

The European Court of Human Rights recently heard cases of two Christians – Lillian Ladele and Gary McFarlane – who lost their cases in the British courts because of their Christian views on sexual ethics.

Expert legal opinion has also highlighted grave concerns about the potential impact of the Government’s Same-Sex Marriage Bill on workers with strong beliefs on marriage. Aidan O’Neill QC suggested that teachers, parents, foster carers and hospital and army chaplains could be disciplined for their beliefs.

The second reading of Mr Leigh’s Bill is scheduled to take place on 1st March.

Andrea Minichiello Williams, Director of the Christian Legal Centre, said:

“This Government talks about the value of Christianity but by pursuing its redefinition of marriage it is undermining the Christian heritage of Britain. It is also creating a climate that will lead to the exclusion of Christians from serving society.

“The debate on the Government’s Same-Sex Marriage Bill next week will highlight this. Many people – MPs and members of the public – are deeply concerned.

“The Judgment from the ECHR two weeks ago shows that people with Christian views on marriage are already being excluded from certain areas of public service.

“The British Government has shown itself to be ignorant about the nature of Christian faith. As the ECHR reminded them, views on marriage are a manifestation of Christian faith.

“Christians won’t be duped by the Government, nor will others who believe that marriage should remain as being between one man and one woman”.

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