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Equality Bill - Threat to Christian Groups Nationwide for Funding of Christian Projects

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Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) in the government's Equality Bill is to be extended to cover age, pregnancy and maternity, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and gender reassignment.

CCFON objects in principle to the PSED extending to sexual orientation, religion or belief and gender reassignment, noting the threat to Christian Groups who will face a stark choice between eliminating the Christian element of their projects or services and being shut down for lack of vital public sector funding.

Under the proposed provisions public bodies such as local authorities, schools and health bodies will be able as part of their core business, to promote equality. As is so often the case, what is presented as tolerance and inclusiveness will in reality have the effect of shutting Christian groups out of publicly funded services.

The Government Equalities Office is holding a consultation, ending on the 30th of September.

Please send in your views to this GEO consultation even if you do not answer all or any of the questions.

Send responses by the 30th of September to:

Here are some suggested comments that you may want to use or adapt:

  • I oppose the Public Sector Equality Duty extending to sexual orientation, gender reassignment and religion or belief; all should be removed. In practice this has led and will very likely lead to Christian rights being trumped where these are incompatible with other equality duties.

  • I oppose the Public Sector Equality duty and equality factors extending to the way that public bodies award large contracts.

  • The provisions could have the effect of excluding Christian suppliers out of the market which undermines diversity and equality.

  • I am alarmed that the Government is aiming for culture change and promotion of equality for public body core business. Religious organisations in particular should not have to promote other religions or sexual orientations against their beliefs and they shouldn’t be forced to change what they are or betray core beliefs in order to be considered for tenders.

  • I am concerned about all inclusive equality criteria will have the effect of discriminating against religious staff or religious service providers.

  • Christian individuals and businesses are already suffering barriers to potential funding because of all inclusive equality criteria. The proposals here will make this worse.

  • Local Christian organisations should not have to take the Christian or Church element out of their projects in order to be eligible for funding.

  • Christians are council taxpayers and so are entitled to an equal chance of getting funding for projects.

  • A national equality standard will lead to an unfair pre-selection of only suppliers for large-scale money contracts whose equality practices are in line with the all-inclusive politically correct one-way only approach to equality. This will be prejudicial to Christian suppliers.

  • Public bodies should not promote equality but should look at equality of opportunity.

  • The focus on public services should not be solely on service users but should take account of the effect of equality policies on religious staff and those religious organisations who provide services.

To see our full consultation response (with answers to all questions) please click here.