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The world must respond to the cry of Iraq's Christians

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An appeal to world leaders to "wake up urgently" to the persecution of Christians in Iraq has been made by the cross-bench Peer, Lord Alton of Liverpool.

Writing in The Times, Lord Alton, says Islamist jihadists have been targeting Iraq’s Christians who still pray in Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke.

"Religious cleansing"

He describes the persecution by the jihadist group, Isis, as “religious cleansing”, highlighting the fact that once there were 30,000 Christians in the city of Mozul, Capital of Nineveh Province in Northern Iraq, but now there are none.

"Before pitilessly exiling the Christians on foot, Isis stole everything they had — homes, businesses, cars, money and even wedding rings, sometimes with the ring fingers attached. Churches have all been destroyed, shuttered or turned into mosques," he said.

Read Lord Alton’s article here >