Call for discipline of church minister who marries same-sex partner
The first same-sex 'wedding' involving a Church of England minister took place last weekend.
Canon Jeremy Pemberton from Lincoln has 'married' his partner Laurence Cunnington, becoming the first CofE clergyman to defy the church’s ban on gay clerics 'marrying'.
The Bishop of Lincoln, The Right Revd Christopher Lowson, confirmed that Jeremy Pemberton had written to him in advance explaining his intention to 'marry', and that he had met him to explain the guidelines from the House of Bishops.
"It's only two months since the House of Bishops issued instructions that homosexual clergy should not 'marry' a person of the same-sex. It is shocking that a clergyman would defy the church's teaching, and more so that he would defy God's teaching as clearly set out in the Bible," says Andrea Williams of Christian Concern.
She added that the church authorities should discipline Jeremy Pemberton for open defiance of its rules and challenging the authority of church leaders.
The Chairman of the evangelical Anglican group, Reform, echoed the call for “clear discipline” and said "if there is not clear discipline then it is the equivalent to saying 'we really didn't mean what we said'.
"It will precipitate a crisis."
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Andrea Williams of Christian Concern has also been quoted on the issue in the Independent. Read the articlehere >