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European Court rules that same-sex 'marriage' is not a right

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The European Court of Human Rights has re-affirmed its position that member states do not have to recognise same-sex ‘marriage’.


The decision has been hailed as 'monumental' by Joseph La Rue of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). He argues that because US judges have previously cited European Court judgments, the ruling could have a major impact on an upcoming same-sex case at the US Supreme Court.
In its decision, the ECHR highlighted the fact that there is no European consensus on same-sex ‘marriage’. 37 countries within the Council of Europe area do not recognise it and only 10 are in favour of it.
Not a “right”

In its judgment last month, the ECHR affirmed an earlier decision in 2012 that there was no “right” to same–sex ‘marriage’ under the European Convention on Human Rights. Judges in Strasbourg made the earlier ruling in the case of a lesbian couple in a civil partnership who complained that French courts would not allow them to adopt a child.
As legal adviser to ADF, Joseph La Rue says it is not surprising that “this ground-breaking decision from Europe has escaped the notice of the mainstream media.”

Fifty-state solution

He states that the decision supports ADF’s argument that same-sex ‘marriage’ is not a fundamental right and suggests US courts should follow the European lead.
“Our courts should let the debate continue and not try to impose a fifty-state solution on the American people,” he adds.
A recent study by Pew Research Center found that whilst the US Supreme Court was considering the case recently for same-sex ‘marriage’, the US news media carried more statements in favour than those opposed, by a margin of five to one.
Read more (Alliance Defending Freedom) >