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Second vicar defies prohibition on same-sex 'marriages' for clergy

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A second same-sex 'wedding' involving a Church of England minister took place last weekend.
Rev Andrew Cain, the Vicar of St Mary with All Souls in Kilburn and St James in West Hampstead, 'married' his partner Stephen Foreshew, becoming the second CofE clergyman to defy the church’s ban on homosexual clerics 'marrying'. 
Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern and a member of the General Synod, said: "It is extraordinarily disappointing that just months after the House of Bishops clarified its instruction that homosexual clergy should not marry, yet another minister has acted in open defiance.  
“The Church structure should discipline clergy for openly defying and testing the authority of the leaders of the Church in this way."
Theologian addresses primary Gospel issue 
Dr.Robert Gagnon, Associate Professor of the New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, has addressed what he calls “the myth that we have radically new knowledge today about homosexuality that allows us to discount the biblical witness on homosexual practice or to claim its affirmation of loving homosexual relationships”. 
Watch Dr Gagnon give a clear presentation of the Scriptural perspective on human sexuality here >