Vicar to defy prohibition on same-sex 'marriages' for clergy
Published: March 10th, 2014
A vicar of two parishes in London has publicly announced his decision to disregard provisions of the Church of England's new "pastoral guidance" prohibiting clergy from entering into a same-sex 'marriage'.
Rev Andrew Cain, the Vicar of St Mary with All Souls in Kilburn and St James in West Hampstead, said that there was "no doubt" that his 'marriage' with partner Stephen Foreshew would go ahead, adding that he would not be "frightened" into cancelling the wedding by the CofE's decision.
Whilst maintaining that clergy cannot enter into a same-sex 'marriage', the Church of England's pastoral guidance permits churches to offer special prayers to newly 'married' same-sex couples. The CofE has also accepted the recommendation of the House of Bishops' Pilling Report to embark on a two year process of "facilitated conversations" on the issue of human sexuality.
Andrea Williams of Christian Concern said: "This is a direct challenge to the Church and an affront to the Gospel. By not saying anything and not rocking the boat, the Church is actually being ungodly. It is cowardly and deeply dishonouring to Christ. We need to save people from their sin and point them away from sin which is leading them to hell. That is the compassionate thing to do."