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Allow us to have sex in public places, says militant homosexual group

Printer-friendly version A militant UK homosexual ‘rights’ group is insisting that homosexual sex in public places should be tolerated by police and the public.

A militant UK homosexual ‘rights’ group is insisting that homosexual sex in public places should be tolerated by police and the public.

OutRage!, a militant homosexual group claims that ‘cruising’, a term used to describe the act of walking or driving about a locality in search of a casual sex partner, is ‘an important part of the homosexual community and cannot be ignored’.

David Henry, a member of OutRage! told

‘The area that we're talking about, cruising is tolerated unofficially. But there is quite a lot of anger in the gay community about how it's being handled. It's only a small number of local residents complaining and it's not like there are letters to the local paper about it.

‘The [gay] community has been victimised and singled out. It is a red light area with plenty of heterosexual sex workers and kerb crawlers and they are tolerated. A lot of it is homophobia.

‘We'd like other agencies such as the police and council to get behind this concept [of tolerated gay cruising areas]. There are other places, such as Brighton and Blackpool, possibly also Liverpool, where this is in place.’

(Click here to read the PinkNews report)

PinkNews reported that when asked about whether cruising areas were more attractive to married men and those in the closet, Henry said:

‘There is definitely an element of that, but not as much as it used to be in the past. In old-style OutRage! language, it's about sexual liberation. There isn't a long-term solution but it is needed.’

The canal towpath area in Manchester has long been a popular spot for homosexuals engaging in cruising and public homosexual practices. However, it is reported that local people started complaining when the area was built up. In response to the complaints, the Manchester police have begun patrolling the area more diligently, and potential 'cruisers' are being warned that they could face arrest.

OutRage! is concerned with the police’s actions and say that the law does not specifically condemn public sex.

Police have often not enforced the law, yielding to pressure from homosexual groups and saying that such interventions had alienated homosexuals, and advocating respect for the ‘human rights' of the homosexual community.

Andrea Williams, Director of CCFON, said: “Further sexual liberation is the last thing that this country needs. Cruising for partners, whether homosexual or otherwise, to gratify sexual desire is intimidating to the public at large, sets an appalling example to children and is self-indulgent folly. We need to return to the sanctity of biblical marriage which is the only legitimate place for sexual activity.