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Coalition set to introduce full homosexual ‘marriage’

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The Coalition Government has announced plans to introduce full homosexual ‘marriage’ before 2015, with the strong personal backing of Prime Minister David Cameron.

Lynne Featherstone, the equalities minister and Liberal Democrat MP, has announced plans for a ‘consultation’ to be launched next March which is to be followed by a change in the law.

The legislation would enable homosexual couples to get ‘married’ in registry offices in exactly the same way as heterosexual couples can.

Homosexual couples would still not be allowed to ‘wed’ on religious premises, although it is likely that the government will push for this change after the initial legislation has been introduced, as the government is currently attempting to change the law to allows civil partnerships to take place on religious premises.

Miss Featherstone said that she plans to be a “champion” for homosexual rights, and that although Britain is a “world leader” in this area, there is more to be done.

She said:

“Britain must not get complacent. We are a world leader for gay rights, but there is still more that we must do.

“In March, this Government will begin a formal consultation on how to implement equal civil marriage for same sex couples.And this would allow us to make any legislative changes necessary by the end of this Parliament.”

It was also revealed that the Prime Minister had personally intervened to fast-track legislation for homosexual ‘marriage’ after a number of delays. A Downing Street source said: “He was very keen to press ahead on this. This is something that the Prime Minister has taken a strong personal interest in.” 

Lord Tebitt, a former Conservative cabinet minister, said:

“I would have thought there were other priorities at a time like this.There can be no such thing as gay marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others.”

Andrea Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, commented:

“The Prime Minister cannot push for Britain to be the most family friendly country in Europe whilst also strongly pushing for homosexual marriage; the two are diametrically opposed.

“Marriage is between a man and a woman with a view to raising children in the best possible environment, with a mother and a father. A homosexual partnership cannot offer this. Calling it ‘marriage’ will not change this.

“This proposed move would radically re-define marriage with profound consequences for our society.

 “Some may think the move is ‘tolerant’, yet if introduced it will likely result in massive intolerance towards anyone who does not ‘toe the line’. Anyone in the public sphere who does not facilitate or promote homosexual marriage is likely to be punished and lose their job. Freedom of conscience will once again be at the mercy of political correctness.”


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