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Former SNP leader criticises government’s homosexual ‘marriage’ plans

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Gordon Wilson, the former SNP leader, has spoken out against the Scottish government’s proposals to legalise homosexual ‘marriage.’ His comments come amidst increasing unease within the SNP over the proposed moves.

Mr Wilson is currently chairman of Solas, a Christian public policy organisation. In a submission to the SNP made along with the organisation’s director, Rev David Robertson, he said that: “We believe this is of such a destructive nature to Scottish society that, rather than leaving the decision to a group of MSPs, this decision should be put to a referendum of the Scottish people.”

They added a warning to ministers to be wary of the proposed legislation, saying: “You attack the essential building block of society at your peril.”

A long standing and influential member of the SNP, Alan Clayton, told The Times earlier this week that the SNP’s plans for introducing homosexual ‘marriage’ threatened to sidetrack them from the goal of independence.

The Justice Minister Roseanna Cunningham, who is a devout Catholic, is also understood to be concerned about this issue.

Nicola Sturgeon, the Health Secretary, said at the start of the government’s consultation on homosexual marriage that ministers “were minded” to support the plans.

As well as opposition within the party, the Bishop of Paisley, Philip Tartaglia, also made his concerns known to First Minister Alex Salmond when they met earlier in the week. He said that legalising homosexual ‘marriage’ in Scotland would “bring about a serious chill to relations” between the government and the Catholic Church.

Andrea Williams commented:

“Over and over again we have seen homosexual ‘marriage’ being pushed by a small minority. Any opposition voices are written off as ‘bigoted’ or ‘hate-filled,’ which makes principled objection very difficult.

“Douglas Wilson has been courageous enough to speak out about the dangers to society of legalising homosexual marriage and he is absolutely right; marriage between one man and one woman is indeed the building block of stable societies.”


The Times (£)