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Former SNP leader to send out stark warning over same-sex ‘marriage’

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Former SNP leader Gordon Wilson will criticise the Scottish Government for pressing ahead with plans to legalise same-sex ‘marriage’ at the SNP conference this week.

The Scottish Government announced in July that it intends to bring forward a bill introducing same-sex ‘marriage’ as part of its new legislative programme.

Nearly 80,000 people responded to a recent consultation on the issue, of which 64 per cent were opposed to the plans.

Mr Wilson is due to make the comments on Thursday at a fringe meeting organised by Scotland For Marriage, a campaign group seeking to preserve the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.

He will say: “The consultation process was a fraud. What is the point of canvassing the views of the electorate and then cynically discarding them?

“If you think we are sliding down a road to state fascism and intolerance, you may not be far wrong”.

“Be warned, those MSPs of all parties on a narrow majority who exercise their ‘free’ vote for same sex marriage. They may find that a free vote has as much validity as a ‘free’ lunch. If they ignore public opinion, a P45 may await. Do not scorn the electorate”.

Mr Wilson will also argue that the move will undermine the religious freedom of churches who are likely to be forced to conduct same-sex weddings under equality laws despite any statutory safeguards.

He will add: “So those MSPs who favour the Bill - and those who object - should realise that the real issues are the freedoms of speech and conscience in a democratic society. This legislation will subvert both rights.

“Also if you believe you can deliver safeguards, think again. Any provision may be changed by your successors once the foot is in the door. Also beware the courts. Their interpretation of ‘equality’ law overrides yours.

“And for the churches must surely come the realisation that the secular state in the UK, behind the lip-service of politicians and civil servants, is becoming openly intolerant of religion and sees no place for Christianity and Islam save as social curiosities”.


The Telegraph

BBC News

STV News


The Truth about Same Sex Marriage (booklet)