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Prime Minister vows to push ahead with same-sex 'marriage'

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Prime Minister David Cameron says he intends to press ahead with plans to introduce same-sex ‘marriage’ despite growing opposition from grassroot Conservatives.

A report in The Independent said that the PM is adamant that legislation should be passed which would redefine marriage.

A senior Downing Street source said: “He regards this as a straightforward matter of equality and believes that we should just get on with it”.

Feelings ‘running high’

The news comes shortly after a poll amongst local Conservative Party chairmen which suggested grave concern amongst local Tory activists.

71 per cent of those polled believe Mr Cameron should back down from his same-sex ‘marriage’ plans. 47 per cent believe the controversial proposal has resulted in the loss of party members.

One Conservative Party member told The Independent: “Personally I support the Prime Minister on this, but I will have to vote against. Feeling is running so high in my party on the subject”. Another said: “I have had more resignations from the party on this than on any other subject”.

Senior support

Senior Conservative ministers, however, have come out in support of Mr Cameron on the issue during the Tory Party conference this week.

The Foreign Secretary, William Hague, told the Radio 4 Today Programme: “I think a party that draws its strength from across the country, from many different types of people, is of course going to reflect the shifting social attitudes of the time.

“…We’ve changed in our own attitudes; David Cameron has led that very clearly, and I think that is what commands majority support in the country, and it’s partly a national change as well, as is obvious to people and families all over the country”.

Maria Miller, the new Equalities Minister, said at the conference: “The state should not stop two people from making the commitment to be married unless there's a good reason. I don't believe being gay is one of them”.

Boris Johnson, the Conservative London mayor, has also expressed support for redefining marriage. In a piece for The Independent, he wrote that marriage “has been here since before the Stone Age, and now it needs to move beyond the Stone Age”.

'Ruthlessly determined'

Andrea Minichiello Williams of Christian Concern responded:

“If David Cameron and his Conservatives want to be viewed as compassionate, this is not the way to do it. The way they are handling this issue makes them out to be ruthlessly determined to push this through.

“It is astounding how senior Conservative politicians are blocking their ears to what the majority of their party is saying and what the majority of Britons are saying.

“71 per cent of local Tory chairmen want Mr Cameron to abandon the redefinition of marriage. 605,000 people have signed the Coalition for Marriage petition against redefining marriage.

“The PM and his colleagues seem prepared to push aside any opposition and impose the redefinition of marriage on the rest of us”.


The Independent

The Telegraph


The Independent


The Truth about Same Sex Marriage (booklet)