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Update on Free Speech clause re ‘homosexual hatred’ offence

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On 3rd March 2009, the Public Bill Committee of the House of Commons debated the free speech clause on incitement to hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation.  They voted 11 to 3 in favour of clause 58, which removes the free speech clause.  The free speech clause needs to be kept in the law itself (as opposed to guidance) in order to protect the freedom of Christians to speak about religious beliefs on sexual ethics and to try to prevent any occurences of overzealous police investigation.  This clause may be considered again when the Bill is sent to the floor of the House of Commons for Report Stage and Third Reading (often on the same day).  A date has yet to be set for Report and Third Reading, but it will be shortly after 10th March when the Public Bill Committee is due to finish.  When the Bill passes Third Reading in the House of Commons, the Bill is then sent to the House of Lords, to be considered.  The Public Bill Committee debate on clause 58 starts with consideration of a new amendment, number 36, by Liberal Democrat MPs David Howarth and Jenny Willott regarding guidance, which was debated but not voted on.

Link to the Public Bill Committee debate on this clause at just after 9pm on the 3rd of March: