The University of Cambridge has introduced a “gender-neutral” dress code for its annual graduation ceremony following pressure from the student union’s LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and other) campaign.
Traditionally, university regulations have required male graduates to wear dark suits with a white bow tie and academic bands, whilst women have been required to wear dresses or skirts.
Students who failed to adhere to the centuries-old dress code were at risk of being refused graduation.
New code
But from October, a new “gender-neutral” code will be introduced permitting male students to graduate in skirts, whilst giving women the option of wearing trousers.
A University of Cambridge spokesman said: “These amendments, proposed on the recommendation of CUSU LGBT+ and after consultation with the Senate-House Syndicate and the Praelectors of the Colleges, replace a reference to male dress with a gender-neutral description.”
The Times (£)