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Cathedral hosts event to alert Christians to growing secularism

Video highlight of Awake Arise Coventry

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Christians from across the Midlands descended on Coventry Cathedral last Saturday for a special event to alert Christians to the increasing secularisation of Britain, and discrimination against thosewho stand up for orthodox beliefs in public life.

The ‘Awake Arise’ event on January 28 was the first to be held in an English Cathedral and was led by former Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Revd Michael Nazir-Ali, and Christian Concern founder and CEO, General Synod member Andrea Minichiello Williams.

Both spoke on the moral and social decline of our nation, with particular reference to abortion and religious freedom, and how Christians and the Church can stand for truth on these issues.

Former Mayor of London candidate, and leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance, Alan Craig,  encouraged Christians to act on a local level by standing as Christians as councillors at parish, ward and constituency elections.

The event closed with former drug dealer and criminal - turned evangelist, Rob Joy, speaking about the impact of the gospel on his own life, and how Christians must never be ashamed of the gospel as itis the “only true hope for our nation”.

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali said of the event: “It was good to be in Coventry cathedral with its emphasis on reconciliation and with the wider community, civic as well as Christians from different churches. I hope that the links that were established between the Church and the community will help them to work for the family, the vulnerable and to uphold the dignity of human persons at every stage of life.”

Andrea Williams said: ‘It is a critical time in the nation’s history. The Church must find her voice. We must set the standards for the world, not reflect them. At a time when the government is seeking to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples it has never been more important to point to God’s truth, love and template for society. It is the only template that works. If we don’t proclaim it loud and clear for the good of all, then who will?’

Through its ‘Awake Arise’ events held in churches nationwide, Christian Concern seeks to equip and encourage Christians to think further about today’s moral issues in the public square, and to speak and stand up for truth whilst at the same time pointing people to the hope found in the Lord Jesus Christ.

To host an event in your church, you can contact Christian Concern on 0207 935 1488.