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Christian Peoples Alliance launches campaign for European Elections

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The Christian Peoples Alliance (CPA) has launched its campaign for the European Elections (22nd May) under the banner “Standing for the Truth. The best Party for Britain” and is fielding candidates in three regions –East, South East and London. CPA is linked to similar parties across Europe through the European Christian Political Movement (ECPM). 
The manifesto highlights three main issues: corruption in the EU, failure to respect the Christian heritage of Europe and the need to introduce properly accountable democracy in the EU.
Party Leader Sid Cordle MBE, who is standing in the London region, says:  
"The founding principles of the European Union rest on church social teaching, but the EU has drifted away from those roots … Our appeal goes beyond regular churchgoers to the majority of people who identify themselves as Christians. However, if just one quarter of worshippers give us their vote among the 600,000 regular churchgoers in London, this will be enough to win a seat under the PR electoral system.”
Find out more at www. or by emailing them via their contact page at