David Cameron attempts to win back Christians at Easter
Prime Minister David Cameron told Christian leaders this week that he wants their biblical values to guide the nation, despite his strong support for same-sex ‘marriage’.
At an Easter reception in Downing Street on 3 April, the Prime Minister affirmed his belief that the nation needed Christian values, claiming that:
“The greatest need we have in our country is to have strong values and to teach our children and to bring people up with strong values. The values of the Bible, the values of Christianity are the values that we need – values of compassion, of respect, of responsibility, of tolerance.”
He also spoke about the encroachment of secularism, adding:
“I think there is something of a Christian fight-back going on in Britain and I think that’s a thoroughly good thing. The fact that we’ve had that argument and won that argument over Biddeford Council and the fact that if councils want to say prayers before council meetings they should. We do in the House of Commons, why on earth shouldn’t local councils do that as well?"
In a separately released Easter message, Mr Cameron said that: “The New Testament tells us so much about the character of Jesus; a man of incomparable compassion, generosity, grace, humility and love.”
Same-sex Marriage
However, Mr Cameron was robustly challenged by guests at the reception who told him that he was wrong to be introducing same-sex ‘marriage’. They told him unequivocally that the legal definition of marriage should remain a union between a man and a woman.
The Prime Minister told his guests that he didn’t want to fall out with them over the issue. He also claimed that same-sex marriage was only being introduced in registrar offices, not churches.
Some critics however believe that these assurances are worthless due to equality laws, and that allowing such ceremonies in registrar offices would create an inevitable impetus towards allowing them in churches.
Right to wear a cross
During his speech the Prime Minister also stated his support for Christians who want to wear a cross at work.
The Government recently told the European Court of Human Rights that Christians should not have the right to wear a cross at work, failing to support the two Christians who have been penalised at work for their stance and whose cases are currently before the European Court.
Yet the Prime Minister has now stated that he personally supports those who want to wear a cross. The Daily Mail has reported that a source close to the Prime Minister has confirmed that the Government would now change the law if necessary to allow Christians to wear a cross at work.
Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, said:
“I welcome many of the Prime Minister’s comments including his recognition of the vital need for the Christian faith in modern Britain. I also welcome his comments supporting the right of Christians to wear a cross at work.
“I hope that his views will be reflected in policy and legislation. Maybe he will now give married couples the tax breaks he promised before the election? Does he still want to relax Sunday trading restrictions?
“Sadly, the Prime Minister is still firmly committed to redefining marriage, a profoundly wrong move which cuts to the heart of the Christian faith.
“We would encourage all Christians to pray for the Prime Minister.”
Full Text of PM David Cameron’s speech
Christian Concern: Religious Freedom